mercoledì 19 novembre 2008

napoli news!

corso di danza contemporanea (release based/floor work)

ongoing every Lun e Merc 18.30 - 20.00
@ cantolibre

The course, led by Alessia Scala (, will focus on releasing tension, alligning the spine using the floor. We will concentrate on how to bring energy to centre of our body, how to use bones instead of mascles while moving. We will start with a floor work to continue to spiral up to verticality bringing consciousness and attention to the weight , momentum and relationship to the space.

Cost 60 euro per month

Il corso prevede un certo numero di ore da dedicare alla ricerca coreografica. L'iscrizione include la partecipazione gratuita a tutti gli eventi proposti e organizzati da napolicontactnetwork.

Per info sui progetti di nacnet vedi l'annuncio successivo

info point:
Via S, Giovanni Maggiore Pignatelli 35 Naples Italy
Tel: +39 081 42 88 100


we love contact improv

lun 1 e martedì 2 dicembre 2008
ore 11-15

napolicontactnetwork presents a time and space where you can jam!, discuss, share thoughts, audio-visual materials, present your performance and more...........
bring your body, mind, and anything you want to share

napolicontactnetwork wants to be a place of convergence and transit at the same time...inspired by principles of contact improv it aims to create a dynamism in the city of naples, more collaborations and actions,links on the territory and internationally

Cost 35 euro

info point:
Via Solfatara, pco bognar 21
pozzuoli, Naples, Italy
Tel: +39 081 31 31 395

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